Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Google Keyword Planner

If you’re a domainer like me, you have probably tried to utilize Google’s Adwords keyword Tool recently and was redirected to Google’s Keyword Planner tool instead. As you are likely aware, Google’s Adwords keyword tool is going away in the coming months and Google is already trying to wain people off the Keyword tool and onto the Keyword Planner tool. Over the years, Google’s Adwords Keyword tool has been utilized extensively, especially since Yahoo retired its Overture tool and Google became the big boy on the block. In any event, domainers need to know how to utilize Google’s new Keyword Planner tool as an alternative, especially if you’re not paying a company to assist you in your research. Since I starting playing around with the tool a couple of weeks back, I thought I’d write an article and share what I have learned.

Google Keyword Planner

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